About the Books | Acknowledgements | Note on the Translation
About the Books Translated by Sushil
From the beginning of time the thirsty have looked for water and the one
who knew where that water was has looked for the thirsty. Somehow they have found each
other and prospered. It is an ancient game, and the success of this game is well
documented. It happens because there is thirst. Thirst is what makes us recognize the
value of water. When we are not thirsty we'll walk past any amount of water but when we
are thirsty we'll walk miles even for one sip. When we discover the thirst of the heart
something wonderful becomes possible.
Every Master has pointed out where that water is. That is how people
recognized that he was a Master. But not everybody recognized him while he was alive. He
was not walking around with a halo. Many smart, educated people could not recognize him
standing face to face. Many mistook him for a mortal. The only ones who recognized were
those who came with a thirst. Only the satisfied understood. Some called it heaven, some
called it God, some called it peace, but they all said they found it within. The day we
find this place called `within is truly the day of our success as human beings.
This book is a collection of poems by those who found what they were
searching for. Without that experience one can only speculate and guess. That experience
is beyond imagination and beyond communication. It has to be felt. One does not understand
truth and then start feeling it. One feels it first and then starts to understand. I don't
know of anyone who achieved this without the help of a Master.
I have met such a Master. The kindness of my Master is that he not only
pointed out where that water is but he also provided me with superb tools and active
support that have helped me immensely. His caring has no substitute. It is what makes
success possible and the journey very enjoyable. Make every effort to meet the living
Master of the time. It is the most wonderful thing that can happen to a human being.